Delicately prepared by our partner producers from the Baskinta
Cooperative, Terroirs du Liban's yearly artisanal and homemade Maamoul traditional desserts are
now sold at the boutique.
Pass by boutique TDL to pick up your desired Maamoul fillings from the
Maamoul Mix * 1 kg : 38 000 LL
Pistachios * 1 kg : 40 000 LL
Almonds * 1 kg : 38 000 LL
Walnuts * 1 kg : 36 000 LL
Dates * 1 kg : 30 000 LL
All Maamoul fillings are available in boxes of 1/2 kg,
except for the Maamoul Mix (only available in 1 kg box).
Do not hesitate to call Boutique TDL for more information: +961 71 783 444
Address: Hazmieh, Hourani Center (facing Mekhitarist School), Ground Floor.