Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 14th: World Fair Trade Day 2011!

From May 14th until the 28th, Fair Trade Lebanon is celebrating the Fair Trade Fortnight in Lebanon. This event, of international dimension, revolves around the World Fair Trade Day on the 12th of May and aims to raise awareness for Fair Trade as an alternative trading system that respects people and the environment.

During our fifteen days of campaign, table mats about fair trade will be placed in 12 different restaurants which also agreed to include some of Fair Trade Lebanon’s products into their menus!

In addition to that, and to gather more people into this global celebration, FTL will hold a stand at the Garden Show Spring Festival taking place at the Hippodrome of Beirut from May 24th to 28th, from 4 to 10 PM.

Our aim is to let the voice of fair trade be heard and encourage people to support and join this dynamic by choosing to put the interest of our small producers above all.

This event is supported by the French Embassy in Lebanon.

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