Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today is Earth Day!

Ouyoun el Siman




Today is earth day, organizations all over the world are praising the protection of the environment. And today I decided to bring you Lebanon, as a piece of heaven.

I could discuss the need for renewable energy, the purpose of recycling, the brilliant European ideas regarding car pooling, green vehicles, environmental policies, water waste management, sustainable houses, organic clothes, organic shampoos (oh yes.), cycling and public transportation, but I'm just not feeling like it.
Today, I will ask you to open your eyes and your heart and take a look at our country through a lens, through the pictures of a photographer. No not just a photographer, but an adventurer and a believer.
Clement Tannouri has spent hours, weeks and months of time searching for absolutely breath-taking views of our land from the sky of Lebanon. His work is illustrated in his book, Liban : Sur la Terre Comme Au Ciel.
Some thank him for showing us what seems to be God’s view of Lebanon from up above; others wonder how is it possible for people to still fight and continue harming this creation.
So yes, it is indeed Earth Day, but tomorrow, is also a day to praise our country and our planet. And no I didn't mention the need for sustainable development in Lebanon for some topics need some serious pessimism and anger to come out properly...but I, today, am rather happy in Lebanon...
Join here Clement Tannouri's group on Facebook.

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