Monday, May 15, 2017


GO THE EXTRA MILE with our Fair Trade Day Morning Hike:

On the same morning of May 21st, Fair Trade Lebanon is organizing a smooth 3-hour hike in Wadi El Salib (Kfardebian) with guide Naïm Mhanna, before joining the celebration at Saint George’s convent in Roumiyeh.

Hike details:
Departure & pick up time: 7:30 AM at Dora (Free parking next to Byblos Bank).
Hike in Wadi El Salib: from 8:30 AM until 11:30 AM approximately (followed by transport to the event, 15 minutes ride to reach convent).
Return: 4 PM at Dora.
Price adult: 55 USD
Price 8 to 18 years: 25 USD
Free for under 8 years.
Price includes transport, guide, and Fair Trade Day ticket with rural lunch at the convent.

Make sure to wear suitable shoes and bring your water for the hike!

For reservations:
Call or email M. Guillaume Sérillon
M: 71 88 50 54

Friday, May 12, 2017

Sensibilisation sur le Commerce Equitable à Tyr

Le 10 mai 2017 dans le cadre du Défi Lecture organisé à Tyr par l’Institut Français et rassemblant pour l’occasion 5 écoles primaires de la région, une centaine d’élèves a participé à une session de sensibilisation sur le commerce équitable donnée par Fair Trade Lebanon. 

Cette opération ludique et pédagogique menée en partenariat avec le magazine jeunesse francophone «Gwinie» a permis de faire passer un message sur l’importance de faire émerger un commerce plus juste auprès des enfants présents.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

World #FairTradeDay Event Details

Fair Trade Lebanon invites you to support its Fair Trade cause by attending its annual World Fair Trade Day (WFTD) celebration, taking place at St George's convent in Roumiyeh, Qleyat, on Sunday 21st of May from 12 PM until 5 PM.

Our Fair Trade Day celebration is a rural and authentic outdoor lunch organized by Fair Trade Lebanon with the support of the US Middle-East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).

By attending this event, you will be:
• Supporting Fair Trade, a trading system which aims to reduce poverty in Lebanon and fight against the country’s increasing rural exodus.
• Meeting more than 150 women producers who are actively involved in the Fair Trade movement.
• Tasting the richness of the Lebanese rural cuisine with an open buffet made by Fair Trade Lebanon’s partner cooperatives.
• Enjoying a family day out doing fun activities, in the beautiful mountains and away from the city.

This awareness-raising day for the principles of Fair Trade is part of a worldwide campaign relayed by fair trade actors from more than 80 countries.

Reserve your places by calling 05 952 153, come many and do not forget your walking shoes!

Tickets are on sale online ( and offline at the entrance of the event.

Tickets prices:
50 USD per adult (buffet and drinks).
20 USD per youngster from 8 to 18 years (buffet and drinks).
Free entrance for kids under 8 years.

Be an Agent for Change, make a difference by supporting Fair Trade and buying products certified Fairtrade or with the “Fair Trade Lebanon” mark; use your purchasing power to contribute in improving lives!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Evènement à ne pas manquer : «Liban : Des Terroirs Pleins d’Espoirs »

Rejoignez-nous à l’Institut Français du Liban (IFL) le vendredi 5 mai pour assister au lancement de notre Manuel d’animations «Liban : Des Terroirs Pleins d’Espoirs » en partenariat avec Artisans du Monde et le CCFD – Terre Solidaire.
Invitation ouverte au grand public, venez nombreux !

Veuillez nous appeler au 05 952 153 pour une simple réservation.
Lieu : Salle Montaigne, IFL.
Horaire : 17h30 à 20h. 

Monday, May 1, 2017